

Buying groceries is confusing when you can't read whats on the packages. You might see a few words of english here and there, or a diagram explaining something (such as how to cook noodles), but in general there is no reference. Many liquids, oils, drinks, soy sauce, come in waxed-paper cartons (like a milk carton) that all look the same if you can't read the kanji, but you can figure most of it out by the position of other goods. Cooking oil and soy sauce were the hardest because there was no english and both were surrounded by similar products (rice vinegar, seasoning sauces, vegetable oil, soy oil, etc).

Grocery stores are also places full of noise pollution. I had heard this was true in many areas of Japan, the reason being they like to make announcements and have recordings playing everywhere. The airport, every escalator, down or up, had a recording saying 'Mind your step' or something to that extent. The grocery store had pop music playing on the big speakers throughout the store, which mixed with the different announcements you heard when you were near the produce, meat, dairy, and bakery sections. Of course, the announcements all blurred together if you were between areas.

The noodles I prepared are, I'm certain, nowhere near as they should be, as the diagram didnt give me any cooking time, but they're edible. The tofu had an interesting texture and was pretty good (in case you're wondering, there was a nice diagram explaining open the package, flip it onto a plate, and serve, which is how I knew to eat it raw, normally I've always cooked it).

1 comment:

pjc said...

Tofu is a product that can be very useful. You can eat it raw, you can fry it, you can blend it with other stuff, or you can do just about anything with it. I am not crazy about the texture, so I blend it. It's very good protein and takes on the flavor of whatever you cook it with. You've had it before when you've had my lasanaga. I have also added it to stir-fry sometimes. Dad's had it at restaurants fried. Love, Mom