
Final language

Today was my final Monday language class. It went well, learned about the -kudasai form of verbs, which is basically saying please this, please that. Obviously they're very useful and used often. The problem is, for a non-native, they're really complicated. There a four different groupings of verbs, and exceptions to every rule.

Afterwards, chatted with Kawakatsuさん about my plans for August. Whenever I talk about where I want to travel and what I want to do, Japanese seem to get so impressed. For one thing I'm headed north to Hokkaido and working my way south again through most of mainland Japan, which is a pretty good distance (Japan is approx the same size as California fyi). But more shocking is the fact I'm backpacking, intend to climb mountains, sleep in a tent, follow wind and whim wherever it may lead. I have a loose plan, things I'd like to see and do, but if I end up on a deserted mountain top somewhere, and decide to just stay there for another day, then I will. I don't have an hour-by-hour itinerary, and even if it means I don't get to see as much as I possibly could have, I'm ok with that.

Also more painting. As I said previously, this second painting is not a piece I really like. I came here to learn materials and methods, which I feel successful doing, but the real ideas, the art I want to make and be proud of, those ideas are still bouncing around. On Wednesday I have a final critique with Sawano-sensei and Muraoka-sensei. I look forward to it, though I am hesitant to believe I'll get real feedback. They know I came to learn materials more than anything else, but also they're Japanese and I'm a visitor. They're not likely to be very critical.

1 comment:

pjc said...

They will be too polite!