

Took the train to Kyoto, bought some takeaway sushi, then boarded the city bus to Ginkakuji-michi. This is a temple, but I wasn't going there, but to the mountain, Daimonji, behind it. Every year, in August, there is the Diamonji fire festival during which huge kanji symbols are lite in fire on the mountain side. I was climbing to one of these areas. The temple attracts many visitors, so first I walked up a road lined with shops and restaurants and other places to spend money. Reaching the top, I ignored the entrance to the shrine and turned left towards the trails into the mountain. I was somewhat surprised how busy these trails were, as I climbed next to elderly folk, children, teens, all sorts trying to get away from the urban-ness of Kyoto. This is best illustrated by the drink vending machine right by trailhead.
The woods to either side looked wild and untamed, though the path was wide and the stream next to me set in a concrete ditch. After 40 minutes or so of climbing stairs and stairs and more stairs, came to a spectacular overlook of the city.

My initial plan had been to continue a 4 hour loop through the mountains, but my boots were bothering me from not being fully broken in (I needed some tall boots with ankle support before I left Boston and didn't have time to break them in), so I left the rest of the trail for another day and headed back down. I took a side trail down a natural ravine away from the main trail and found a little natural spring.

Back down the shop-lined road, I turned along the canal to what is called Tetsugaku-no-michi, the Path of Philosophy. This is basically a quiet walk along a sakura lined canal, with private gardens and various shrines along the way.

Passed temples and gardens on either side of me.
Walked around a bit more, then boarded a city bus to get back to Kyoto station. It was very crowded and we all squished in tight. I was the oddity, being the only white guy in hiking clothes and a foot taller than most everyone else. At Kyoto station I wandered around a bit looking for food. The whole lower level is a large mall or shops and restaurants, each having model food and pricing in windows for passer-byes to choose from. I went in for some noodles, rice, and dumpling things combo.
Full and tired, boarded the train back to Nagaokakyo and walked back in the pouring rain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the pictures of the cherry blossoms. But who's the cutie with the deep blue eyes? Put up more pictures of him!