

The early part of the day was alloted to study, mostly of hiragana and their writing. I went out in the afternoon to first visit the largest department store in the area (whose name escapes me right now). I was looking for a teapot and slippers, but ended up purchasing neither. The store was much like any other, though it was very crowded and compact, also instead of a car parking lot there was a large bicycle parking lot. 1st floor groceries, second was clothes, third was household goods. I soon left and went past the same area with cherry blossoms, this time in the daytime.
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On a little tourist map I was given, theres a large area marked with drawings of bamboo, and thats where I was headed. Kansai region is known for its bamboo shoots. It was very peaceful, clear sky day and walking through the bamboo path was just what I wanted. This was obviously an agriculture area, I hope to see wild bamboo areas some other time.
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I continued north along the outskirts of town to one of the main temples in the area, but could not go in as it was late in the day. From there I headed east back into more populated areas and stopped at a store to get some saki. I had wanted to get umeboshi, pickled plum, to go with this, but either through mis-communication, or the store not having any, I was not able to.

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On my way, I passed a ramen shop and stopped for dinner. This was authentic ramen and very good. I think the slabs of meat laid on top of the noodles were chicken (as I had said the word for poultry), but who knows. I did my best to slurp the noodles as is expected of me (some say slurping the noodles enhances the flavor), then paid and left. I wandered my way home, going down different streets than I had already been, poured myself some saki and had an evening bath.


pjc said...

The bamboo walk does look very relaxing. And the cherry blossoms are beautiful! Thanks for sharing your adventure!

Unknown said...

So there is bamboo in Puerto Rico! It is wild bunches of bamboo in the rainforest, so tall, as tall as some of the palm trees, but it starts to bend over at that height. There were places in the road where long stems from both sides of the street crossed each other in the middle.