

This blog is a record of my time in Japan. I will have an entry written for every day I'm here, even if just to say I didn't do anything interesting. But sometimes, I get behind, and the missed days keep adding up. If you want to keep up, watch the blog listing to the right.

There are reasons that this happens. Some reasons are good, like I spent the day out and didn't get back until late, or that it takes time to process details and write about events while the post sits unfinished as a draft.

Other reasons are bad. I'm stressed. I have nothing to say. I'm unmotivated. I'm confused. I just don't feel like it. Most of the time it's that last one. And so the draft sits there. I have one entry from back during Golden week and my trip to Shikoku that I haven't finished, though it's mostly done, I just haven't put it up.

Blogging should not be a chore, but at times it is, and that's why some entries are posted out of order. Technology allows me trickery, back-dating and editing, but that flexibility itself is a trap. I can 'get away' with mass postings, even while true day-by-day recordings of my time would be more efficient, and more to the spirit of this project. All my life, the idea of a journal, sketchbook, a daily practice, a constant un-shakeable routine, those things call to me, but continue to remain elusive. Good habits are hard to form, and my bad habits are hard to break.


Unknown said...

Glad to see you back.

Unknown said...

whatever you post it good. you do a fine job of it and I agree with last statement.