

Really nice day out today. Not too hot, not too cold.

Went to morning lecture, I feel like my Japanese Art history classes are helping my imagination more than my knowledge. I get to see art, see the slides the professor chooses to present, but I understand little of what he says about them. I have some printed handouts, which I'm sure would be useful when I translate them, but it's a very time-consuming process to do so. It's not like translating a European language, direct word for word, just look it up and viola! No. It requires looking up Kanji, which two Kanji separately have different meaning than together. Dissecting sentences, and by that I mean determining where the words separate so you can look up their meaning. Deciding which characters are particles, the connecting elements, isn't too hard, but it's not a direct formula, and particles can mean different things depending on context of the rest of the sentence.

I'm understanding more of the spoken Japanese around me, but if I ever want to be able to read and write Japanese, it's a long road ahead.

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