
Nasic Welcome Party

Today I went into my painting studio, but could not find my professor. A classmate told me that everyone had went out into the nice weather to sketch, so that's what I did.

For a month now, there has been a poster by the entrance of my building, advertising a Nasic Welcome Party. Nasic is the building management company, and supposedly, this was a chance to wine and dine on their bill! Friends from the building had talked about it, but unfortunately it turns out only people who moved in the beginning of April were eligible. As Kristine was busy, that meant I was flying solo. Also, unfortunately for me, the others didn't really miss much.

I rode the JR train to Kyoto station, then walked into the lobby of the fancy hotel right above. I saw signs for Nasic, and following them, went up a long escalator to check-in. I did not have a name-tag prepared, maybe because I didn't RSVP (or know how), but they let me in no problem. I was given a table number, and a raffle ticket. Walking into the large banquet hall, I could feel eyes on me, but I went over and sat down at my table. Others seated in my area were mostly college students, while the tables near the stage had business types wearing suits and exchanging cards. I tried to order a beer, but my section was not allowed drinks beyond OJ, water, and tea. Food was served, and it was ok, random dishes of rice, chicken, and vegetables. Nothing stood out. There was an interesting performance by a squad of Japanese cheerleaders as they formed pyramids three girls high and threw each other around, then the raffle. Some good prizes were offered, food certificates, a mountain bike, and finally a vacation somewhere, I didn't win anything, but I did get a free pen!

After another presentation, by men in suits, where gifts were exchanged and a few short speeches were given, it was over. The staff lined up along the edges of the hall, then filed out, followed by the first-class guests. Then finally the students. All the staff were lined up outside bowing and thanking us in typical fashion. The escalator I had used to come up had been put in reverse, to help clear everyone out quickly, and I thought that was pretty neat.

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