

Early lecture, then lots of painting in my studio today. I was motivated and I enjoyed myself. Base colors for my mountains painting, then planning as I waited to be able to continue.

As I was in my studio earlier than usual, I was able to chat a bit with one of my classmates. She is an older student, returning to studies after time working. Similar to me in that respect, but farther along as she also has a daughter of college age in Tokyo. We talked for awhile, about the paintings we were both working on, about the upcoming Gion festival in Kyoto, and about what souvenirs I will have of Japan. I mentioned how I would like to purchase some ukiyo-e Japanese wood block prints, and also a large hanging scroll before I leave. I have also been purchasing some postcards, as I enjoy the imagery on some of them, and it was then that she told me her intent to purchase omiyage, aka souvenir, for me when next she visits Kyoto. I thought this was a very generous thing to do, and it makes me wish I had brought more interesting souvenirs of my own from Boston.

Later, when class actually started and Matsumoto-sensei came in, we touched base a little about where I wanted to take my painting and she offered some advice about how to proceed.

Taking a break, I went outside and helped outdoors-club classmates work on building a raft. This is a raft constructed from panel and PET bottles, which we have plans to use this Sunday during a river race in Shiga. I guess when we first talked about it, I didn't realize the effort that would go into making the raft and decorating it (not required, but still fun), so I'm glad my classmates are more on the ball. Sunday is a really early train ride when I would rather be sleeping, but it should be lots of fun all around.

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