
Travel day

Travel day. I was on the train for about 14 hours. This is from my discount tickets, I`m only allowed to take local trains, and Akan National Park is very far east Hokkaido. Lots of sleeping and reading, finished a whole book, The Life & Times of Michael K., by J.M. Coetzee. It was given to me, worth a read.

Arrived at Kawayu Onsen station where I got off. Apparently the stop beforehand was more of a transportation hub, so there was nobody at all around and no buses to the campsite I wanted to get to. So I started walking.

It was farther than I thought, passed Mt. Iou in the dark, knew this because it`s a small, active volcano, I could see the silohuette in the sky, but could more smell all the sulfer and rotten eggs on the wind. I kept walking and saw a car stopped ahead of me. As I got closer a Japanese man was there telling me I should get a ride. His english was good, as was that of his wife, turns out he does some kind of lectures and helps proofread translations. They gave me a ride to the nearest campsite, telling me the campsite I had wanted to get to was far away.

I said goodbyes and walked around the campsite looking for a place to pitch my tent, when I heard `Mr. Crayton!` being called in the distance. My ride had come looking for me to give me a pair of bannanas and wish me well for a second time.

Later, I walked into town, most everything was closed, but I did soak my feet in one of the many free foot-baths scattered around.

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