

Some days are rough. Especially if you've been on vacation, and sick, and slacking off when you should be studying a second language. In language class today, I just felt slow, my tounge was sluggish, my mind cloudy. I kept making sloppy mistakes with the exercises, and couldn't for the life of me remember my vocabulary.

But still, hard as it is, the studies continue. I was not prepared for the language when I came here, but I am making progress. My biggest concern is for when I return to Boston and finalize my school credits. I was supposed to have a course in language, something for credit at MassArt, but because I'm working with private tutors (though one is through Osaka-Seikei), neither Kristine or I are certain how credits will transfer. Kristine and I are the first students from MassArt to come here. We are a test case. Some days that fact is hard to set aside.

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